Main ingredients for chiffon cakes: rice flour, brown rice flour,

potato flour, tapioca flour, little soy, little xanthan gum, free
range eggs, grape seed oil, pink hilamaya salt

Main ingredients for vegan cake: rice flour, brown rice flour, potato
flour, tapioca flour, little soy, little xanthan gum, grape seed oil,
fresh brewed espresso, pink hilamaya salt, fluer de sel (French flower
of sea salt)

Sweetener: organic raw coconut sugar, raw cane sugar, stevia



- your cake order is not refundable or exchangeable

- pls handle with care once you picked up the cafe. Pls don’t swing the bag :) 

-if your cake is cream based, pls place it back in the fridge to chill as soon as you can :) if it’s a room temperature tea cake or vegan cake, cool room temperature would be the best for them